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Pune, Gita Publishing House, 1998. 3d edition 111 pages. hardcover. Anger is just one letter short of danger. This book offers self-help tips on how to cope with anger, grow in the power of understanding, develop the spirit of forgiveness and practice the therapy of cheerfulness. This book tells you: How to cope with anger and be angry only at the right time, with the right person, in the right measure. - How to grow in the power of understanding - yourself and others - and avoid making hasty judgments. - How to develop the spirit of forgiveness and learn to forgive even before forgiveness is asked. - How to practice the therapy of cheerfulness; when all other therapies fail, cheerfulness can still work and help you live longer here on earth and afterwards in the hearts of people. very good condition
EUR 9.50 | CHF 9.5] N°. du livre 52192

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